
Current Secretary-General

Current Secretary-General


Vick Chien

Term of Office

2024 / 5 / 24 ~ 2026 / 5 / 23

Main Professional Title

Associate Partner of Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law


●Taiwan Mobile Co., ltd.
●National Communications Commission
●Director of Taiwan Communications Society
Vick Chien is the associate partner of Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law, the largest law firm in Taiwan. He has extensive experience in handling license applications, civil/administrative litigations, and legal advice on the business models launched in the industries of info-communication and media. With the extensive experience in the field of info-communication and media, Vick has been recognized as the "Associates to Watch" by Chambers and Partners.
Aside from the field of info-communication law, Vick also focuses on competition law, E-commerce, and personal data protection. Recently, Vick has been invited by several accelerators and CVC to provide legal advice for start-up companies in terms of their operational or organizational challenges in their beginning stage.

Educational Background

LL.M., National Tsing Hua University
Bachelor of Department of Power Mechanical Engineering,
Nation Tsing Hua University

Major Research Areas

Communication/Media, Investment and M&A, Competition Law, Technology Law, E-Commerce/Payment, Dispute Resolutions