11/4-11/6 亞太影音產業協會(AVIA)舉辦「2019亞洲視訊峰會(Asia Video Summit 2019)」

發布時間:2022-12-27 11:27:13
活動名稱:2019亞洲視訊峰會(Asia Video Summit 2019)
地點:新加坡The Ritz Carlton酒店
此會議為AVIA每年定期辦理的年會,為亞洲地區影音內容市場的重要交流互動平臺,參與者多來自亞洲國家。本次會議為期三天,11/4-6在新加坡The Ritz Carlton酒店舉辦。本次會議將探討2019年影音產業面臨的機會與挑戰並,透過挖掘新的商業模式及不斷改變的消費行為,找出產業未來,預計將有超過180間公司參與。
The Asia Video Summit is the defining conference for the video industry and ecosystem across the Asia Pacific region. The aim is to understand the state of the video industry in 2019 - the opportunities and the challenges faced by different sectors of the industry and how together we can grow and forge a successful future. Attended by over 180 companies, it brings together some of the biggest industry names to discuss the most pertinent issues of today. With advancements in technology, evolving business models and everchanging consumer behaviour, the Asia Video Summit brings you the best insights, debates and discussions that define the state of the video industry today.
主辦單位:亞太影音產業協會(Asia Video Industry Association,AVIA)